A listing of unknown scholarships is a good start for students looking into scholarships to apply to. The reason is quite obvious. These are scholarships undiscovered by most students looking to apply for financial aid. The less competition there is for a scholarship the more of a chance you will have to win it.
Even better is a list of unknown scholarships which pay multiple awards yearly rather then just one or two. This increases your chances altogether more. Many companies will only award one stipend per year. I wouldn’t waste my time in applying if they did unless you match up perfectly with the scholarship qualifying criteria. You can spend more of your valuable time applying to those which award 25 to 500 annual awards. They may not be as large but they are well worth the time to apply.
Always apply to the easy scholarships first and always
Once you have a list of lessor known scholarships you can apply first only to the easier ones which will take up little of your time to apply to. You want to be able to apply directly online because this will take little of your precious time. Your time is precious especially when looking for the low hanging scholarship fruit.
List of unknown scholarships website
There is a list of unknown scholarships at http://www.unknownscholarships.us/ to look into. Apply only to those easiest and you know you could win, then work on the more time consuming ones. You will be amazed at how simple some are to apply to, while others make it sound like you are taking finale exams. Stay away from those ones. Remember; apply to the easy scholarships first – pretty much straight through to maximize your time. Then if the more difficult ones interest you go back to apply for them. Work smart and not hard!